Scientific Programme


The scientific programme will include world standard orthopaedics inclusive of lecture presentations and workshops for the more general orthopaedic surgeons as well as super-specialists. Internationally acclaimed invited speakers will ensure that trainees and experts will be up to date with the latest modern orthopaedic technology and evidence-based medicine. 

Presentation Guidelines

Please read these guidelines before presenting your paper.

European CME Credits (ECMEC)

The 38th SICOT Orthopaedic World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, 29/11/2017-02/12/2017 has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 18 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.

Abstract Submission

Abstract submission is now closed!

7th SICOT Educational Day

The aim of the Educational Day is to provide a comprehensive review course for the residents and an evidence-based update for the practicing surgeons on a specific theme at each SICOT Congress. The format of the day consists of four to six short lectures in each section followed by ample time for case discussions and debates and ample breaks. The theme for the forthcoming Cape Town meeting is 'The Hip' and the day will focus on all the elements of hip surgery right from anatomy and surgical approaches to complex case discussion.

24th Cooperative Course for Polytrauma Management - Beyond ATLS

International experts in traumatology will be sharing their experience during this course which will be held on Wednesday, 29 November. By partnering with SICOT the registration fee for this year's course has been reduced to EUR 50.

Plenary Speakers

We are pleased to announce that Oheneba Boachie-Adjei, Fares Haddad, and Ashok Johari will be the plenary speakers at the SICOT Congress in Cape Town.

Partner Societies

SICOT is grateful to these societies for contributing to the scientific programme and organising symposia.

AAOS Orthopaedic Video Theater

Peer-reviewed, high-quality, non-biased video presentations feature topics from anatomy and arthroscopy to demonstrations of cutting-edge techniques. 10 subspecialties are represented and videos from renowned experts and innovators around the globe are provided in this Video Theater in the Exhibition Hall.

Peer Reviewers

Special thanks go to these members of the Scientific Board who kindly gave their time to review the abstracts submitted for the Congress.